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151 Schools Found
Marion C Seltzer Elementary School
Marion C Seltzer Elementary School
Grades PreK—8

Marion C Seltzer Elementary School

Marion C. Seltzer 1468 West 98 Street
Cleveland, 44102

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 18 of 34
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Rating unavailable

Marion-Sterling Elementary School
Marion-Sterling Elementary School
Grades PreK—8

Marion-Sterling Elementary School

MARION-STERLING 3033 Central Avenue
Cleveland, 44115

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Below Average Ranked 23 of 34
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Rating unavailable

Mary B Martin School
Mary B Martin School
Grades PreK—8

Mary B Martin School

8200 Brookline Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44103

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Below Average Ranked 43 of 55
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 40 of 52
Cleveland schools

Mary Church Terrell
Mary Church Terrell
Grades PreK—8

Mary Church Terrell

Mary Church Terrell 3595 Bosworth Rd.
Cleveland, 44111

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Above Average Ranked 8 of 34
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 22 of 28
Cleveland schools

Mary M Bethune
Mary M Bethune
Grades K—8

Mary M Bethune

11815 Moulton Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 33 of 55
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 40 of 52
Cleveland schools

Max S Hayes High School
Max S Hayes High School
Grades 9—12

Max S Hayes High School

2211 West 65th Street
Cleveland, OH 44102

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 13 of 22
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Average Ranked 11 of 18
Cleveland schools

MC^2 STEM High School
MC^2 STEM High School
Grades 9—12

MC^2 STEM High School

MC2STEM High School 601 Erieside Ave, Cleveland, Ohio 44104
Cleveland, 44104

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 12 of 19
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 16 of 17
Cleveland schools

Memorial School
Memorial School
Grades PreK-8

Memorial School

410 East 152nd Street
Cleveland, OH 44110

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Above Average Ranked 17 of 55
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Above Average Ranked 12 of 52
Cleveland schools

Menlo Park Academy
Menlo Park Academy
Grades K—8

Menlo Park Academy

2149 West 53rd Street
Cleveland, OH 44102

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Above Average Ranked 1 of 55
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Above Average Ranked 6 of 52
Cleveland schools

Miles Park School
Miles Park School
Grades PreK—8

Miles Park School

Miles Park School 4090 East 93rd Street
Cleveland, 44105

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Below Average Ranked 24 of 34
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Average Ranked 18 of 28
Cleveland schools

Miles School
Miles School
Grades K—8

Miles School

11918 Miles Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44105

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Below Average Ranked 47 of 55
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Rating unavailable

Mound Elementary School
Mound Elementary School
Grades PreK-8

Mound Elementary School

5935 Ackley Road
Cleveland, OH 44105

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Below Average Ranked 51 of 55
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Average Ranked 32 of 52
Cleveland schools

Nathan Hale School
Nathan Hale School
Grades PreK—8

Nathan Hale School

Nathan Hale School 3588 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr
Cleveland, 44105

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 20 of 34
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 22 of 28
Cleveland schools

Natividad Pagan International Newcomers Academy
Natividad Pagan International Newcomers Academy
Grades PreK—12

Natividad Pagan International Newcomers Academy

Natividad Pagan International Newcomers Academy 3145 W 46th Street
Cleveland, 44102

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Below Average Ranked 1 of 1
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 1 of 1
Cleveland schools

Natividad Pagan International Newcomers Academy
Natividad Pagan International Newcomers Academy
Grades PreK—8

Natividad Pagan International Newcomers Academy

3145 West 46th Street
Cleveland, OH 44102

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Below Average Ranked 55 of 55
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Average Ranked 25 of 52
Cleveland schools

Near West Intergenerational School
Near West Intergenerational School
Grades K—8

Near West Intergenerational School

Near West Intergenerational School 3805 Terrett Ave
Cleveland, 44113

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Above Average Ranked 1 of 10
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Above Average Ranked 3 of 9
Cleveland schools

New Technology West
New Technology West
Grades 9—12

New Technology West

New Tech West High School 11801 Worthington Ave.
Cleveland, 44111

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 11 of 19
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Average Ranked 11 of 17
Cleveland schools

Newton D Baker School
Newton D Baker School
Grades K—8

Newton D Baker School

3690 West 159th Street
Cleveland, OH 44111

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Above Average Ranked 17 of 55
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Average Ranked 19 of 52
Cleveland schools

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