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151 Schools Found
Facing History High School@Charles Mooney
Facing History High School@Charles Mooney
Grades 9—12

Facing History High School@Charles Mooney

Facing History New Tech High School 3213 Montclair Ave
Cleveland, 44109

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 7 of 19
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Average Ranked 7 of 17
Cleveland schools

Flex High School Cleveland
Flex High School Cleveland
Grades 9-12

Flex High School Cleveland

5222 Wilson Mills Road
Richmond Heights, OH 44143

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 8 of 22
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Rating unavailable

Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Grades PreK-8

Franklin D. Roosevelt

800 Linn Drive
Cleveland, OH 44108

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Below Average Ranked 52 of 55
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 43 of 52
Cleveland schools

Garfield Elementary School
Garfield Elementary School
Grades PreK—8

Garfield Elementary School

Garfield School 3800 West 140th Street
Cleveland, 44111

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Above Average Ranked 6 of 34
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Above Average Ranked 7 of 28
Cleveland schools

Garrett Morgan School of Engineering & Innovation
Garrett Morgan School of Engineering & Innovation
Grades 9—12

Garrett Morgan School of Engineering & Innovation

Garrett Morgan School of Engineering and Innovation 4600 Detroit Ave
Cleveland, 44102

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Above Average Ranked 5 of 19
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Average Ranked 8 of 17
Cleveland schools

Garrett Morgan School of Leadership and Innovation
Garrett Morgan School of Leadership and Innovation
Grades 9—12

Garrett Morgan School of Leadership and Innovation

Garrett Morgan School of Leadership & Innovation 4600 Detroit Avenue
Cleveland, 44102

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 10 of 19
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 12 of 17
Cleveland schools

George Washington Carver
George Washington Carver
Grades PreK-8

George Washington Carver

2200 East 55th Street
Cleveland, OH 44103

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Below Average Ranked 41 of 55
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Average Ranked 27 of 52
Cleveland schools

Ginn Academy
Ginn Academy
Grades 9-12

Ginn Academy

655 East 162nd Street
Cleveland, OH 44110

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 10 of 22
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 17 of 18
Cleveland schools

Glenville High School
Glenville High School
Grades 9—12

Glenville High School

650 East 113th Street
Cleveland, OH 44108

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Below Average Ranked 17 of 22
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 16 of 18
Cleveland schools

Global Ambassadors Language Academy
Global Ambassadors Language Academy
Grades K—8

Global Ambassadors Language Academy

13442 Lorain Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44111

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Above Average Ranked 4 of 55
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Average Ranked 22 of 52
Cleveland schools

Grades PreK—8


Halle School 7901 Halle Avenue
Cleveland, 44102

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Below Average Ranked 31 of 34
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Above Average Ranked 9 of 28
Cleveland schools

Hannah Gibbons-Nottingham Elementary School
Hannah Gibbons-Nottingham Elementary School
Grades PreK—8

Hannah Gibbons-Nottingham Elementary School

Hannah Gibbons 1401 Larchmont Rd
Cleveland, 44110

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Below Average Ranked 28 of 34
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 22 of 28
Cleveland schools

Harvard Avenue Performance Academy
Harvard Avenue Performance Academy
Grades K—8

Harvard Avenue Performance Academy

12000 Harvard Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44105

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Above Average Ranked 13 of 55
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Above Average Ranked 2 of 52
Cleveland schools

Harvey Rice Elementary School
Harvey Rice Elementary School
Grades PreK-8

Harvey Rice Elementary School

2730 East 116th Street
Cleveland, OH 44104

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Below Average Ranked 45 of 55
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 43 of 52
Cleveland schools

Hope Academy Northcoast
Hope Academy Northcoast
Grades K-8

Hope Academy Northcoast

4310 East 71st Street
Cleveland, OH 44105

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 30 of 55
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 49 of 52
Cleveland schools

Horizon Science Acad Cleveland
Horizon Science Acad Cleveland
Grades 9—12

Horizon Science Acad Cleveland

Horizon Science Academy Cleveland High School 6000 South Marginal Rd
Cleveland, 440103

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Above Average Ranked 6 of 19
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Average Ranked 9 of 17
Cleveland schools

Horizon Science Academy-Cleveland Middle School
Horizon Science Academy-Cleveland Middle School
Grades K—8

Horizon Science Academy-Cleveland Middle School

6100 South Marginal Road
Cleveland, OH 44103

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 22 of 55
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 50 of 52
Cleveland schools

Horizon Science Academy-Denison Middle School
Horizon Science Academy-Denison Middle School
Grades K—8

Horizon Science Academy-Denison Middle School

1700 Denison Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44109

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 24 of 55
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 42 of 52
Cleveland schools

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