Old Brook High School

This school can help students aged 16-21 earn high school credits and prepare students to move on to a certification program, apprenticeship, or two-year degree program. Enrolling students must be at least one grade level behind their age group or have experiences that prevent them from continuing at a traditional high school.


Joy Beasley


Grades Offered


Operated By

Oakmont Education Group

Sponsored By

Educational Resource Consultants of Ohio

Hours of Operation

7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.(Session I) / 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Session II)


Old Brook is a high school serving students who would be traditionally enrolled in grades 9-12, ages 15-21. These students may have fallen behind in earning credits, have difficulty passing state-required tests, are at risk of dropping out of school, or just need a new environment in which they can succeed.
We target the population of students whose educational needs have not been met at any meaningful level. Our model catches the students that are falling through the cracks and empowers the community with more contributing adult citizens.

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 23 of 42
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Rating unavailable

State Rating


Achievement: 1/5
Progress: 1/5
Gap Closing: 1/5
Graduation: 1/5
Early Literacy: 0/5


ic_fluent_people_team_28_filled Created with Sketch. Attendance Rate


Attendance Rate
College Going Rate


Graduates enrolled in college within two years of high school

Population Diversity

12.0% Black Non-Hispanic
54.6% White Non-Hispanic
26.9% Hispanic
6.0% Multiracial


Students with Disabilities


English Learners

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