West Cleveland Drop Back In dba Frederick Douglass High Scho
3167 Fulton Road
Cleveland, OH 44109
This school can help students aged 16-21 earn high school credits and prepare students to move on to a certification program, apprenticeship, or two-year degree program. Enrolling students must be at least one grade level behind their age group or have experiences that prevent them from continuing at a traditional high school.
Grades Offered
Operated By
Oakmont Education
Sponsored By
Hours of Operation
7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Frederick Douglass High School was designed for the unique needs of teens who have been failed by traditional high schools. Our staff understands that life happens, but it doesn’t have to get in the way of getting your diploma or getting started in a career.
Below Average
Ranked 30 of 42
Cleveland schools
Rating unavailable
Attendance Rate4.4%
Graduates enrolled in college within two years of high schoolPrograms Offered
City Recreation Centers
Dropout recovery and prevention
ELL Services
Population Diversity
Students with Disabilities
English Learners
Nearby Grade Schools
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