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151 Schools Found
Constellation Schools: Old Brooklyn Community Middle
Constellation Schools: Old Brooklyn Community Middle
Grades 5—8

Constellation Schools: Old Brooklyn Community Middle

4430 State Rd
Cleveland, 44109

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 54 of 109
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 94 of 99
Cleveland schools

Constellation Schools: Puritas Community Elementary
Constellation Schools: Puritas Community Elementary
Grades K—4

Constellation Schools: Puritas Community Elementary

17720 Puritas Ave
Cleveland, 44135

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Above Average Ranked 29 of 109
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Average Ranked 40 of 99
Cleveland schools

Constellation Schools: Puritas Community Middle
Constellation Schools: Puritas Community Middle
Grades 5—8

Constellation Schools: Puritas Community Middle

17720 Puritas Ave
Cleveland, 44135

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Above Average Ranked 36 of 109
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 95 of 99
Cleveland schools

Constellation Schools: Stockyard Community Elementary
Constellation Schools: Stockyard Community Elementary
Grades K—6

Constellation Schools: Stockyard Community Elementary

3200 West 65th Street
Cleveland, 44102

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 51 of 109
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Above Average Ranked 32 of 99
Cleveland schools

Constellation Schools: Stockyard Community Middle
Constellation Schools: Stockyard Community Middle
Grades 7—8

Constellation Schools: Stockyard Community Middle

3200 West 65th Street
Cleveland, 44102

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 61 of 109
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Above Average Ranked 11 of 99
Cleveland schools

Constellation Schools: Westpark Community Elementary
Constellation Schools: Westpark Community Elementary
Grades PreK—4

Constellation Schools: Westpark Community Elementary

16210 Lorain Avenue
Cleveland, 44111

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Above Average Ranked 2 of 109
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Above Average Ranked 2 of 99
Cleveland schools

Constellation Schools: Westpark Community Middle
Constellation Schools: Westpark Community Middle
Grades 5—8

Constellation Schools: Westpark Community Middle

16210 Lorain Avenue
Cleveland, 44102

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Above Average Ranked 16 of 109
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 76 of 99
Cleveland schools

Constellation Schools: Westside Community School of the Arts
Constellation Schools: Westside Community School of the Arts
Grades K—8

Constellation Schools: Westside Community School of the Arts

3727 Bosworth
Cleveland, 44111

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 40 of 109
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 89 of 99
Cleveland schools

Daniel E Morgan School
Daniel E Morgan School
Grades K—8

Daniel E Morgan School

8912 Morris Court
Cleveland, OH 44106

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 65 of 109
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 77 of 99
Cleveland schools

Davis Aerospace & Maritime High School
Davis Aerospace & Maritime High School
Grades 9-12

Davis Aerospace & Maritime High School

1440 Lakeside Avenue East
Cleveland, OH 44114

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Above Average Ranked 7 of 42
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Above Average Ranked 9 of 36
Cleveland schools

Grades PreK—8


3799 W. 33rd Street
Cleveland, 44109

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Above Average Ranked 20 of 109
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Above Average Ranked 12 of 99
Cleveland schools

Dike School of Arts
Dike School of Arts
Grades PreK—8

Dike School of Arts

2501 East 61st Street
Cleveland, 44104

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Below Average Ranked 78 of 109
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 72 of 99
Cleveland schools

Douglas MacArthur
Douglas MacArthur
Grades PreK—8

Douglas MacArthur

4401 Valleyside Road
Cleveland, 44135

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Above Average Ranked 4 of 109
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Above Average Ranked 3 of 99
Cleveland schools

East Academy
East Academy
Grades K-8

East Academy

15720 Kipling Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44110

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 72 of 109
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Average Ranked 64 of 99
Cleveland schools

East Clark
East Clark
Grades PreK—8

East Clark

885 East 146th Street
Cleveland, OH 44110

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Below Average Ranked 73 of 109
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Average Ranked 37 of 99
Cleveland schools

East Preparatory Academy
East Preparatory Academy
Grades K-8

East Preparatory Academy

4129 Superior Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44103

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 57 of 109
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 71 of 99
Cleveland schools

East Technical High School
East Technical High School
Grades 9—12

East Technical High School

2439 East 55th Street
Cleveland, OH 44104

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Below Average Ranked 36 of 42
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Below Average Ranked 28 of 36
Cleveland schools

Euclid Park Elementary School
Euclid Park Elementary School
Grades K—8

Euclid Park Elementary School

17914 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44112

State rating of how well students performed on tests.

Average Ranked 53 of 109
Cleveland schools

State rating of student growth compared to growth of other students in Ohio.

Average Ranked 62 of 99
Cleveland schools

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