December 18, 2018
Transformation Alliance launches new School Quality Navigator Initiative
The Cleveland Transformation Alliance is launching its new School Quality Navigator initiative, in partnership with Cleveland Central Promise Neighborhood.The navigator initiative, modeled on similar programs in Washington, D.C. and New Orleans, as well as similar work in housing and health care, will provide one-on-one guidance to help families in Cleveland's Central neighborhood find and enroll in the public school that best fits their children's needs."We are very excited with this new opportunity to ensure traditionally underserved families benefit from the improvements that are happening under Cleveland's Plan for Transforming Schools," said Piet van Lier, executive director of the Transformation Alliance. "We want to support families as informed decision-makers in the education of their children."Three navigators will begin working with families in January, and continue outreach throughout the school enrollment season. The work of the navigators will complement the ongoing outreach work of the Transformation Alliances School Quality Ambassadors, who distribute information about school quality and options and engage families across the city.The navigator initiative is supported by the Sisters of Charity Foundation and the William J. and Dorothy K. O'Neill Foundation.
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