March 11, 2024 blog Family cafe hough library parent power hour
Summary of Family Cafe Event: Parent Power Hour
The Family Cafe event was an immense success, bringing together individuals who wore multiple hats - from parents to educators, professionals, advocates, and more. The discussions were rich and diverse, focusing heavily on addressing barriers and finding solutions, particularly in the realm of special education and supporting exceptional scholars.
THANK YOU to our wonderful and engaging Featured Conveners, Cheryl Mays, Monica Grays, and Jewels Beckwith!
Throughout the event, everyone shared their own stories, whether they were tales of triumph or ongoing challenges. These personal narratives provided invaluable insights into the realities families and students face.
Connections were forged, and ideas were exchanged, creating a vibrant atmosphere of collaboration and support. The event was so engaging that we exceeded our scheduled time and had to close the library altogether.

A huge thank you is owed to our partners at the Cleveland Public Library, Hough Branch, with a special shout-out to Ms. Marcie Williams for her unwavering support and contributions to CTA.
Key Takeaways:
- Schools and communities must work together to better support and involve parents in their students' learning experiences. This can be achieved through enhanced communication, tailored support services, and meaningful engagement opportunities.
- Families face various barriers in actively engaging with their student's education, ranging from logistical challenges to systemic inequalities. Addressing these barriers requires a multifaceted approach, including increased access to resources, culturally responsive practices, and community partnerships.
- Effective strategies for fostering a collaborative relationship between schools and families are essential for enhancing student success. This involves creating a welcoming and inclusive school environment, promoting two-way communication channels, and providing opportunities for shared decision-making.
This summary includes event resources, including the Parent Power Hour Action Plan, flyers from The Parent Engagement Center, information about tutoring services provided by the 2nd Semester Consignment Shop, and mentoring provided by MIT. The Family Cafe Presentation used during the event is also included for further reference and reflection.
There will be a PART II. Stay tuned for updates. Stay tuned for updates.